As you can see, there has been a lot of growth since my 6 week picture.
15 lbs of growth in fact! Eeeeek!

Yesterday I had my 20 week ultrasound and from what I could tell, everything looks good. Little baby boy was VERY fact, the tech said it took about 15 minutes longer than it usually does, just cause the baby wouldn't stay still long enough for him to get the necessary measurments. Looks like we've got an active one on our hands!
Monday was Audrey's first day of gymnastics. I thought she looked so cute in her leotard that I had to take a picture!
She had a blast in her class! She made several new friends (as I knew she would...this girl is not shy). I can't say she was the most coordinated kid in the class (she's got her mother's skills I guess) but she had fun and thats all that counts.
So of course Wylie wanted me to take a picture of him too. Here he is doing his best to smile with a mouth full of goldfish.