Well, I don't really have much to blog about today but I feel like I should anyway. So, I woke up late this morning. My alarm went off at 4:45 but I must have shut it off and passed out again. I woke up 45 minutes later...oops! So I told Michael that he was gonna have to handle getting Wylie up and dressed this morning cause I was running so late. But then Audrey woke up and started yelling "MOMMY, DADDY!" so he went in her room and she was in her bed, with throw up in her hair and on her jammies and bed...poor little lady! She must have gotten sick after she went to bed last night. Come to think of it, she wasn't interested in her dinner at all last night.
Well, its finally friday and I'm looking forward to the weekend! We don't have much planned, we're just going to get things done around the house and get Michael's things ready and packed for mexico. He's leaving next week to go down there with the youth group. They'll be working with an organization called Amor, and spending their time building a house for a family in need. He went last year too and had an awesome time! Lots of hard work but some amazing memories! Please keep his group in your prayers...(I'm kinda nervous with all the crazy stuff that has been going on in mexico). I am lucky to have my parents coming out to stay with me and the kids while he is gone. Last year Audrey and I stayed on our own, but this year, with 2 kids, I'm up for any help I can get!
Oh, I just remembered that on Saturday night we're going out with our friends Mindy and Chuck for sushi...can't wait! Mindy's mom Paula (my boss) is watching the kids while we enjoy a night on the town! We rarely "go out" so when we do, its a special treat...especially with such good friends!
Wylie has been teething like crazy lately! No new teeth, still only 2, but he is drooling like a fountain. You can't even hold the kid without getting drenched. It doesn't bother me too much but Michael says the drool is the thing that he likes least about having a baby. Does anyone have any good ideas to help with this awful teething period?
I have a few pics that Michael's mom took of the kids last weekend at her house. We took them over there so we could get a few undisturbed hours to clean the house (never a fun task but it feels so good once its done!) As always, they had a blast playing with their Amma Christine and Papa Hans!