Friday, June 25, 2010

9/3/1953 - 6/25/10

Pat (Patricia Luanne Ours) died this afternoon around 3pm (4pm New Mexico time).
It was very quick.
She did not suffer.
She had a lot of her family there with her.
She was 56. Far too young.

I am at a loss for words right now. I think I'm still kinda shocked.

Here is part of an email that I wrote to my mother-in-law the other day:

Michael and I were doing our bible study and reading together last night and after reading, I have a new found peace about Pat’s situation.

First of all, I’m still praying that God will heal her. I know that he is fully capable and powerful enough to create a miracle in her healing. Will he do this? I don’t know…but if he does, it won’t be “thanks to science” it will be a miracle worked by God.

But if he doesn’t heal her body…there is still something to celebrate. Pat has served God her entire life. I have known her all my 28 years and I have seen nothing but her positive attitude, always lifting others up with encouragement, and doing everything in her power to set an amazing example of what it looks like to be a follower of Christ. She has never been pushy with her beliefs but she’s always shared her faith gently, with Love.

With all this said, what is more exciting than knowing that one day soon, Pat will be meeting God…her creator, her comforter, her healer. She will be at peace.

Jesus will greet her one day soon by saying “well done, my good and faithful servant! You have acknowledged Me before man, through those you came in contact with in your life, now I will acknowledge you before my Father in Heaven!”

Can you imagine hearing any better words? To hear that the life you lived has been pleasing to God!?! That you did all you could in your given years to live your life to the fullest and to show true LOVE to those around you.

I know it will be really hard for her family and friends when she is gone. We will be the ones who are at a loss. We will have emptiness and a void in our lives. But I just pray that when times get hard for those who love her, we’ll remember that she is where she belongs, where we all belong, with our Savior! And that while we are here grieving, I hope that at the same time we can be rejoicing for her.

She has lived a life that should be celebrated!

1 comment:

  1. Your words here have been sweet to read this has been a pleasure to meet you and visit you here...
